The Second Training of Trainers for Industrial Symbiosis in İzmir Realized

The Second Training of Trainers for Industrial Symbiosis in İzmir Realized


Within the scope of the Industrial Symbiosis in İzmir Region Project, Trainings of Trainers were organized aiming for training the key persons who will contribute to the institutional and systematical operation of the collaborations developed in the field of industrial symbiosis and play significant roles in developing a management model specifically designed for İzmir by undertaking the role of facilitators in the field.

The second of the Trainings of Trainers, of which the first was organized during 25-27 May 2022, was held on 16 January 2023. Representatives of free zones and OIZs, Chambers and Commodity Exchanges, Metropolitan Municipality and district municipalities in the Izmir region participated in the training. A total of 15 people participated in Izmir Industrial Symbiosis Trainer Trainings.

İzmir Industrial Symbiosis Trainings of Trainers were organized for the purposes of providing the necessary knowledge to the practitioners and facilitators who are to contribute to the program in establishing and developing the industrial symbiosis program specific for İzmir and outlining the program aimed to be used in this process. Within the context of the Trainings of Trainers covering national and international regulations in the field of industrial symbiosis and examples of good practices, both theoretical and practical information regarding the program were provided to the participants.